Monday, March 9, 2015

MEDITATIONS l Walk on Water l Kay Arthur l Who will speak to your neighbor? l MidDay Devotions l VIDDEVOCHURCH

Articles By Precepts from God's Word

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Who will speak to your neighbor?
Kay Arthur
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Did you take Vasile’s challenge? He took a God-ordained trip with a Pakistani taxi driver on an unmarked road to Kabul and used it to share the hope of Jesus Christ with someone who knew the Koran but had never heard the gospel.
Have you asked God for your divine opportunity to share Christ with someone since our last article?
When I returned from training our leaders in Hungary, having seen their discipline in studying the Word of God and sharing the Gospel, I was so burdened for America—not just for those who so desperately need to hear from God, but also for those who would speak His Word to them.
It seems we are so focused on ourselves—our possessions, ambitions, desires—so entangled in the affairs of this world.  We have forgotten that we are soldiers on active duty (2 Timothy 2:3-4).  My passion—our passion at Precept Ministries International—is to activate every child of God we can:  to teach them how to study God’s Word for themselves, to train them how to reach others, and then to give them the tools they need to reach everybody, everywhere, any time, any place, any age, any language with one message: the Bible; and one method: inductive. 
How grateful we are for those who in God’s sovereignty and for the sake of Christ have discovered the value of this ministry and come alongside us, enabling us to send out multitudes of godly people like Vasile to the four corners of the earth not just to proclaim Christ but also to establish people in God’s Word so that they can live lives of reverence for Him…for the sake of Christ.
Oh may the voice of our Savior continually echo in the chambers of our hearts: “Go into all the world . . . . you shall be My witnesses” (Mark 16:15;  Acts 1:8). 
The One you are going to tell and teach others about is the Lord Jesus Christ—He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one, Beloved, canexperience life without Him.  No one will ever come to the Father apart from Him.  Those who do not know Jesus—who do not believe or follow Him—will spend eternity in darkness, in an everlasting fire that was not prepared for man but for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).  Life is short, eternity is forever; so we must be about our Father’s business.
Will you go with us for the sake of Jesus?  Take a good long look at your feet, dear one. They were given to you for the purpose of serving Jesus—walking in His ways. You don’t need to go any farther than to your neighbors, coworkers, or associates. Be a witness in your“Jerusalem,” your home territory.  As you are faithful there, God will let you know where to go next.  He will lead you step-by-step. All you have to do is be willing—to say, “Here am I, Lord; send me!” (Isaiah 6:8-9). You will find yourself being used by Him for the furtherance of His kingdom.  
An encouraging tool to help you “get going” is one of our 40-Minute Bible studies. Read the suggestions for leaders (How to Use This Study) at the beginning of the book, pray and ask God whom you should talk to, and you will be prepared to go.  We write these studies so that the Word of God will speak directly to the hearts of people you know.  Sometimes all we have to do is get people to sit down and read. From there, God’s powerful Word “takes over.”
I speak for all of us at Precept Ministries—we can’t wait to hear how God leads you.
Kay Arthur

Host, Precepts For Life
Precept Ministries International

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